President’s Message | JUNE 2015

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As the temperatures continue to rise, so does the progress of your Executive Committee in facilitating the upcoming events which benefit the El Paso Chapter AIA. Bruno Vasquez continues to do a stellar job in providing for the upcoming AIA Golf Tourney (refer to details in the newsletter); please assist by spreading the word to your business partners to support this effort which fuels our EPAF Scholarships.

Speaking of Scholarships, I’m hoping that you met a couple of recent recipients of our Scholarships, as two of them, Rosa Olivia Ramos and Georgina Gutierrez, attended our last Chapter meeting. Additionally, these ladies are officers of the AIAS (Student Chapter/Texas Tech).

After much deliberation and concerted searching, we have found our new Chapter Secretary: Ms. Paulina Lagos (InSitu Architects). I’m certain she will prove to be a formidable contributor to the Chapter. Additionally, we have secured the acceptance from Mr. Tommy Razloznik (PSRBB/Commercial) to be our new TAC Advisory Trustee. Please render your full support to these colleagues who will be calling on you for assistance in their new Chapter endeavors.

Thanks for your continuing support.
Jim Booher AIA