Membership Benefits The American Institute of Architects is the voice of the architecture profession, dedicated to serving its members, advancing their value, and improving the quality of the built environment. Membership in the AIA offers a vast pool of resources to help you compete in today's market and keeps you informed of critical professional issues that may challenge your success. The AIA is a three-tiered organization requiring membership at the local, state, and national level. Local component affiliation is assigned by the ZIP Code of your business or home address.


Application Forms

The following application forms are provided for your convenience and should be returned with appropriate dues to AIA El Paso

Architect Member (AIA) 

Individuals with an architectural license from a U.S. licensing authority are eligible for Architect membership

Associate Member (Assoc. AIA)

Associate AIA membership is open to individuals who meet one of the following criteria:

• Professional degree in architecture (Recent graduate information)
• Currently work under the supervision of an architect
• Currently enrolled in the Architectural Experience Program (formerly (IDP) Intern Development Program and working toward licensure
• Faculty member in a university program in architecture




International Associate Member (Int'l Assoc. AIA)

Individuals who have an architecture license or equivalent from a non-U.S. licensing authority are eligible for International Associate membership.

National Allied Individual Member

Individuals who do not hold a degree in architecture but share a special interest in the built environment as a professional colleague or enthusiast