Newsletter | January 2017


Dear Colleagues,

In 2016, “president” seemed to be an extremely popular term, even for an election year.  The National race spawned an unconventional run and our very own AIA National president sent an endorsement on the behalf of our national community to the president-elect.  So, I as I sit in my new “presidential” role I am reminded of the Architect’s true responsibility.  The Executive Committee and I thought a reminder was necessary.

We are the protectors/stewards of the built environment.  We oversee its function, its safety, its beauty and its sustainability.  If we do it right, the effort transcends political structures and leans towards no party.  The built environment should work independent of political party because we do not design to sway the populace rather we design to protect and facilitate the populace.  Yes, we can design a house for the policy to be created under; and we are bound by policy; but we should not let the policy govern the environment we create because in most cases it outlasts the policy.

I thank you for this opportunity to serve; I am looking forward to this year.


Rene Melendez AIA

AIA El Paso Chapter


Newsletter | December 2016

Dear Colleagues,

Holiday greetings! During this magical time of the year, I hope that prosperity and happiness enters your businesses and homes! It’s been a memorable year for the AIA El Paso Chapter, full of accomplishments, we:

Completed the grueling application process for Chapter accreditation

Received a 3 year Chapter accreditation from AIA National!

Filled positions for Executive Director and Associates Director

Reinstated Chapter Committees

Began ‘Donuts & Design’ to provide additional CEU’s

Had representation at the Grassroots, National and State Conventions

United to represent our profession prior to YISD bond

Had great sponsors and CEU presentations at our monthly meetings

Have valuable relationships with our Professional Affiliates

Updated our new website and included social media outlets

Sponsored various architectural educational events

Collaborated with various entities for Archtober events

Planned a successful golf tournament to assist the EPAF in providing architectural scholarships

Organized a Chapter Banquet. Congratulations to the three firms who received design awards.

Began collaboration dialogue with TTU El Paso and UACJ AIAS Chapters

Completed the Strategic Plan for 2017-2019 (the last one was done in 2008!)

I’m very proud to have been a part of these achievements! It’s been a pleasure being President and being a part of the Executive Committee for the last six years. It’s been a privilege to have worked with some great architects who are dedicated and do a fantastic job representing our profession. While being out during my two back surgeries this year, Rene Melendez has already gotten his feet wet as President and has proved that he will do great with this role. I have confidence that next year Rene, along with the Executive Committee will be dedicated to our Chapter, their efforts will bring great success and growth to our Chapter.

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas! Sending you best wishes for a fantastic 2017!

Madam President signing off ...

Mary J Stills, AIA

2016 Chapter President

Newsletter | November 2016


Dear Colleagues,

I hope most of you had the opportunity to attend the Archtober events. Our appreciation goes out to Jorge Loya and Paulina Lagos for their time and efforts to plan the events, thank you!

I trust that each member that attended the TxA Convention found it insightful and beneficial. Already looking forward to next year’s.

This week several members of the executive committee will be meeting with the Texas Tech and UACJ AIAS chapters. Our chapter is looking forward to engaging with these students to support them with their endeavors and to collaborate for the benefit of architecture. We look forward to planning joint events with them next year.

Special wishes for a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday with your family and friends. Thank you for all you do for our profession.

Best Regards,

Mary J Stills, AIA

2016 Chapter President

Newsletter | October 2016

Download the October Newsletter

Dear Colleagues,

We ended September and started October with a bang!  The golf tournament proved to be yet another successful event this year, thanks to Jorge Loya, his great golf committee and all the volunteers.  We are appreciative of all our sponsors and players.  We’re already looking forward to next year. 

Thanks to Renee Jimenez for organizing the Design Awards Banquet.  Our head judge and speaker, Bradley Hightower was engaging with his presentation on Courthouses, his humor added to the evening.  We valued his comments regarding the project submissions.  The Chapter congratulates this year’s award winners!

Honors Award: Parkhill Smith & Cooper for Johnston Elementary School Merit Award: PhiloWilke Partnership for MCA Cardwell Collaborative

Merit Award: Alvidrez Architecture for Sun Metro Operations

Merit Award – Interiors: PhiloWilke Partnership for Memorial Hermann Pearland

Honorable Mention Award: Alvidrez Architecture, San Felipe Del Rio Consolidated ISD Administration Center

Pictures of these projects are included in the body of the newsletter.

We’re in the midst of Archtober!  Chalk the Block, Lego-Bricks Build-a-Thon and Pecha Kucha Night all took place this past weekend.  I hope you were able to attend and support these events.  Still coming up are various lectures, tours, and events, please make plans to attend.

The Texas Society of Architects Convention is nearing.  Convergence, the 77th Annual Convention and Design Expo will take place on November 3 - 5, 2016 in San Antonio, Texas. We have 19 members attending so far, don't miss out and make plans to attend.

Best Regards,

Mary J Stills, 2016 Chapter President