Associates AIA

Emerging Professionals (EP's) are professionals who have completed their academic studies up to the point of licensure or up to 10 years after completion of their academic studies.

The Committee provides resources on licensing, testing, job prospects, leadership opportunities, and entrepreneurial challenges such as:

Chair: Christian Mijares, Associate AIA
Architect Licensing Advisor: Enrique Escobedo, AIA


Hello El Paso Associates & Emerging Professionals!

Our mission this year is to collectively work together towards licensure! NO ONE GETS LEFT BEHIND is an endeavor to find a pal, or group, whom you can find moral support and accountability.

This year has hopefully been and will continue to be very busy for all of you, but remember…

“You’re never going to be less busy. The best time to start is now. “

“You’re studying every day to become a better Architect.”

The AIA chapter is here to support your questions, guidance and study material needs.

         ARE STUDY SPACE: The El Paso AIA has secured a dedicated ARE Study Space at Working Capitol (311 Montana Ave.) that will be available to any Emerging Professionals who are currently studying for the ARE Exams. The space will be available every Saturday from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM.

         FREE PRACTICE EXAMS: For those of you who have started your NCARB Record, the ‘Exams’ tab is now available with six free ARE Practice Exams. I would suggest you take these even if you haven’t signed up for any specific tests just to see how you do. There is also a Free Demo Exam regardless of exam eligibility that you can take.     

We are working on other exciting programs and events which will be announced further into the year, so stay tuned! We’re very much looking forward to your participation this year. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.


AIA El Paso | Associates Director